Have you ever wondered if it is possible to hire employees who love to go to work and who you love to be around? Is there a way to only have employees that believe in what you do? As CPAs, one of our biggest challenges we face is our employees. Oftentimes, we are so busy in our day-to-day atmosphere, that we lose sight and have not identified who we are. If you never spend time reflecting and deciding who you are and what you and your organization’s values are, then you will likely hire the wrong employees.

Deciding who we are and identifying our core values are the first steps for identifying those employees who are the best fit for your company. With my CPA network, I have had my sales team ask me how do we decide who gets into our network? My straightforward response, well if you like to hang out with them, then let them in. I have found the same is true for our employees. If your employee, client, or recruit is truly someone you enjoy being around and hanging out with, then you know they are the right fit because they share your same values. This will facilitate a workplace culture full of excitement and positive energy. Therefore, it is so important to identify your core values and be transparent with your employees and recruits.

Transparency and honesty regarding your values is crucial for hiring the right employees for your CPA firm. Admitting who you are and what values you embrace is important with your employees, recruits, clients, and yourself. With my company, WealthAbility®, one of our core values is to have fun. We provide training that is fun and want our employees to have fun at their job. If an employee is not willing to have fun at their job, then this organization would not be a good fit. Coinciding with my values, I look for employees who serve their clients, seek continued learning, and embrace an overall hunger for growth professionally and personally. Oftentimes, my employees want to be involved in something bigger than themselves and seek to transform and make a difference in our profession and the world. It is important to understand that one’s values are not right or wrong; they simply are yours and mine.

Once you figure out your values, you must be adamant and maintain consistency with those values. To achieve consistency, we look at our values, vision, and mission and then create rules essentially to enforce our values. These rules should be shared and reviewed with your employees on a regular basis. In my companies, once you submerse yourself around others who share the same mission and values, it creates an engaging, positive workplace culture. We recognize everyone makes mistakes and we need to take responsibility and learn from them to grow and get better.  In my organizations, we are always encouraging each other, as we recognize it is a team effort.

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